Monday, 27 January 2014

[Review] Tales of the Friendly Forest

Sudah tanggal 27 dan ini saatnya baca dan posting bareng BBI!!! Bulan Januari ini temanya Fabel. Awalnya bingung2 mau baca apa. Pas banget abis re-install kindle di android trus nemu buku lucu ini gratis^^

Judul    : Tales of the Friendly Forest
Penulis : Alexei Lukshin
Bahasa : Inggris
Format : e-book
Publication Date : 29 Desember 2013

Kesan pertama baca buku anak-anak macam ini pasti ilustrasinya. Agak-agak mirip Beatrix Potter yah? Lumayan tipikal sih, tapi suka aja hehe...

Cerita-cerita di buku ini sederhana dan pesan moralnya jelas. Mengajari anak-anak banyak hal yang baik, mulai dari persahabatan, kegemaran membaca, rajin berolahraga sampai pentingnya mandi. :D Setuju banget dengan deskripsi di Amazon tentang buku ini:

“Tales of The Friendly Forest” is a colorfully illustrated collection of fairy tales for children. The book contains ten instructive fairy stories about the adventures of kind and funny inhabitants of the forest: the traveling Hedgehog, the hare Turbo, the wolf Straight Tail and other great beasts. These tales teach the children friendship, humanity and respect to each other, the ability to perceive everything in positive manner and create good mood.

Ada 11 cerita di dalam buku ini, dan semuanya cuteeeee

1. A Song about The Friendly Forest

2. How the Forest became Friendly
3. The Traveling Hedgehog
4. The Hare's Wonder
5. The Names in the Friendly Forest
6. Fashion in the Friendly Forest
7. How the Beasts were Catching the Stars
8. The Hedgehog's Gymnastics
9. Little Sadness and Big Sorrow
10. How the Beast went to Hockey
11. The Dark Night

Nah, saya ngga akan ceritain satu-satu masing-masing cerita kaya gimana. Tapi yang jelas buku ini seru dan ngga ngebosenin karena masing-masing cerita tokoh dan temanya beda-beda. Ada si Beruang, si Landak, si Kelinci, si Serigala dan masih banyak lagi #kayaiklanyah :p Bahasanya juga cukup mudah dimengerti untuk anak-anak, walaupun beberapa kalimat masih terlalu panjang.

Cerita favoritku di buku ini adalah The Traveling Hedgehog. Tentang seekor landak kecil yang doyan eksplorasi. Suatu hari dia jalan-jalan keliling hutan sampe nyasar. Pas dia bingung, dia kepikiran buat minta tolong sama Berang-berang. Dengan jelas, cerita ini ngajarin anak-anak buat melakukan hal yang sama kalo suatu saat mereka tersesat.

"What should you do when you are in unfamiliar place? 
The correct answer is that you should call for rescue."

Trus dengan semangat persahabatan, si berang-berang pun menolong si landak. Dia mengajak si landak ke rumahnya dan menjamunya dengan buah berry (I love berries!) Abis itu pas si landak mau pulang, dia menunjukkan jalan ke rumah si landak. Nah, si landak pun heran, kok si berang-berang ini pintar sekali bisa tahu jalan.

"How do you manage to know the forest so well?"

The beaver explained: "My mom often read books to me about different travelers and their journeys.. I have learned about our forest and the beasts' pathways from these books. Also, I've learned about the wolf's wide road and how the wolves walk along these ways. I have also learned about the paths which little foxes walk along towards the fields in the evening. There they train their eyesight in order to be able to look afar. These books also tell about the hare's path. The hares scamper all day long from one glade to another, where the delicious sorrel and sappy sadge grows. In these book, passages are written about our beaver's path, about the places where we have built dams on the river, and how we tumbled down trees into the riverbed in order to make weirs and little barriers lake. It becomes more convenient to fishes to swim and for beast to bath in such lakes. Each years, forest rivers have become smaller and smaller. And, don't be surprised if in the books about different travelers and journeys, it is also told about hedgehog's paths too."

"Yes, you're right" replied the hedgehog and he decided, "I am going to study." He didn't say this aloud in order that he not look like a boaster. "At first I'll learn something and then I'll share what I've learned, as the beaver does. This idea is the correct one for sure."

Bagian tadi favorit saya :D Mungkin karena pengalaman macam itu tuh deket banget sama saya. Books tell you so many things! Nothing can deny that! Berang-berang itu buktinya hehehe... And it is nice to teach children to love reading through cute story like this^^

Kesimpulannya, saya akan nyimpen buku ini sampai saya punya anak nanti^^


  1. Sampulnya unyu-unyu,. Berang-berangnya baik dan bijak ya,.:)

  2. Iya, gambarnya unyuuuu *ini dari tadi saya kok komentar unyu melulu*

    Books tell you so many things. <-- RT RT RT *berasa Twitter

  3. Wah... e-book-nya gratis :O *salah fokus*
    Covernya unyu~ *salah fokus lagi*

    "What should you do when you are in unfamiliar place?
    The correct answer is that you should call for rescue."

    Jaman sekarang agak hati2 juga kalo nanya arah pas tersesat. Pernah soalnya malah dikasih tau arah yang berlawanan dengan tujuan setelah nanya. Jadi paling sekarang nanyanya sama polisi aja ._.

  4. Waaahhh keren nihhh...ilustrasinya juga bagus ya...pingin nyari ah buat yofel. apalagi ada yg tentang "pentingnya mandi" wkwkwkwk

    1. Ih, adek ganteng males mandi ya? >_< *tutup hidung*

    2. Kak Astrid alesan aja nih, kayanya sendirinya yg pengen, wkwkwk *kabur* *padahal aku juga*

  5. Sama kayak kak astrid, jd pengen nyari bukunya

  6. wow ada 11 cerita gitu. Jadi aslinya tebal banget ya?

  7. edisi cetaknya susah dicari nggak sih?

  8. bukunya tampak unyu, semoga ada edisi cetak yaaa...pengen baca... :))

